Meeting Notification


We are having weekly informal meetings in Room 304 every Friday at lunch. We'll be listening to talk radio shows, talking about the presidential race, or watching Rush on the Dittocam.

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Come and Take It

Come and Take It

Nov 15, 2007

Proton May Develop "Islamic Car"

UALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — So what constitutes an "Islamic car"? A vehicle with a compartment to store a Qu'ran and prayer scarf, as well as a built-in compass that points the way to Mecca.

Described as an Iranian initiative, the concept is under consideration by Malaysia's state-owned Proton, which just won an order to supply Tehran's taxi fleet with 5,000 Waja compacts.

A Proton executive, in Iran to secure the deal, described his company's dream of an "Islamic car" that could be produced in Malaysia, Iran or Turkey and sold in various global markets, including countries with large Muslim populations such as Indonesia and Pakistan. Such a car, he added, "will have all the Islamic features," including the aforementioned way-to-Mecca compass and storage for the Muslim holy book.

What this means to you: Niche marketing and culturally sensitive marketing join together in this unusual display.


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