Meeting Notification


We are having weekly informal meetings in Room 304 every Friday at lunch. We'll be listening to talk radio shows, talking about the presidential race, or watching Rush on the Dittocam.

Be sure to answer the poll question at left... it'll let me know just how many people visit the site. And join the Facebook group too while you're at it.


Come and Take It

Come and Take It

Oct 8, 2007

Food for Thought...

Bush backs Mexico, rapist-murderer
Bush refuses to give a pardon to Ignacio Ramos and Juan Compeon, refuses to prosecute Sandy Burger in his document-stealing case, refuses to close the borders. His only conservative ideals he still keeps are the social issues (mostly gay marriage and abortion). For the next meeting: is Bush a sell-out, a liberal Republican, or exactly what we need? Leave a comment or go to the meeting...

Study: As Many as *38 MILLION* illegal immigrants in the USA
Border mismanagement continues...


More to come on Friday!

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