Meeting Notification


We are having weekly informal meetings in Room 304 every Friday at lunch. We'll be listening to talk radio shows, talking about the presidential race, or watching Rush on the Dittocam.

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Come and Take It

Come and Take It

Aug 17, 2007

Savage Savaged by Illegals

Have any of you heard of the recent controversy involving Michael Savage and illegal immigrant front groups?

Well, if you haven't, here's the skinny. There were 30 illegal immigrant "children" on a hunger strike, and they were protesting in favor of the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act (The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) gives free college education to illegal aliens, and provides a path way to citizenship for illegals.

Fast forward to the July 5th broadcast of the Savage Nation. Speaking in regards to the protesters detailed above, he said, "I would say, let them fast until they starve to death; then that solves the problem."

At the face of it, is that offensive to you? Leave a comment if it is. It's not to me. Everyone's mom has said this to their child at one time or another. If the kid wants to go to a friend's house, but mom says no, and the kid says he won't eat until he gets what he wants, what does the mom say? She says, "Fine, starve to death.", or "Okay, don't eat!" It's not offensive when she says it!

But because the good Dr. Savage said it, the illegals have their fake green cards and sombreros in a tizzy. If you can believe it, they are accusing him of hate speech! And to top it off, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors wanted to condemn him for being "symbolic of hatred and racism." Read the PDF from the Board of Stupid-visors here.

This is all started by Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval, who is no stranger to controversy. His statement about Jews - that they should picket "at their houses in Tiburon and at their bar mitzvahs" - is coming back to haunt him. Sandoval also said that the US does not need a military.

So, this guy is obviously a left wing nut who hates our military and freedoms, even though that same military gave him the freedom to speak out against them, if you say the video. Now he protests Savage because he used his freedom of speech to speak out in a satirical manner about illegal aliens. Sandoval, in protest called for mobs of protesters to picket outside of Savage's KNEW radio studio.

Kind of paltry, really. You can see more photos at his website.

Here are some videos:

Maybe I am not a progressive, but shouldn't Mike have the freedom to say what he wants without being condemned by an angry mob, no doubt full of illegals? After all, one major Hispanic group calls itself "LA RAZA" (which means "THE RACE"). Also, they call everyone else racists and haters, but I did not here one peep of condemnation from the major "Latino" groups when former Mexican President Vicente Fox said this: "There is no doubt that Mexican men and women, full of dignity, drive and a capacity for work, are doing the jobs that not even blacks want to do there, in the United States."

The Enemy Within is alive and well in this nation, suppressing those who have a different viewpoint. The DON IMUS incident was less of a real story than this...

Listen to the Doctor on TalkRadio 950AM. More Savage videos if you are interested...

Savage on the O'Reilly Factor

Michael Savage on the Elian Gonzales Raid

MS and Callers on Liberals (a semi-satirical piece)

MS on the American Taliban


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