-by Aaron
Illegal immigration is the issue in
America today that affects all others. The workforce, taxes, crime, and national security are all influenced by those illegal aliens amongst us. Worst of all, illegal immigration devalues the value and sacredness of
US citizenship.
In the heyday of Ellis Island, in 1907, more than 1 million immigrants were processed through that portal. In all the years the Island was open, more than 20 million immigrants passed through. People clamored to get space on ships headed to America. Conditions on the ships were abominable with cramped quarters and inadequate bathroom facilities. Once they arrived, the immigrants faced many uncertainties, including numerous medical tests. If the immigrant failed those tests he or she was quarantined, or sent back across the Atlantic Ocean for another treacherous and dangerous trip.
Fast forward to modern day. 12 to 20 million illegitimate immigrants have snuck into the US through the unprotected Southern border. Today, there is no centralized institution like Ellis Island to detect bad apples from the bunch. How could you, with an open door to Mexico? A giant majority of illegal aliens are from Mexico, while others hail from Guatemala, El Salvador, and other nations around the globe. There are numerous problems with this critical – and totally preventable – situation.
One problem is that illegals take the jobs that Americans would do – if paid fairly and given opportunity. According to ImmigrationTotals.com, at least 10 million jobs have been taken by illegals. These are jobs that Americans would do, if they were not already taken. The catchphrase, “illegal aliens do the jobs that Americans won’t do” is simply a lie. For example, 27% of drywall installers are illegals – that leaves 73% that are not. Only 8% of lawn care specialists are illegal. According to my math, that totals 92% of lawn mowers that are legal. Americans will do those jobs if given fair opportunity and pay.
Another problem is that of taxes. Almost all illegals don’t pay taxes like Americans do. They don’t receive a paycheck with typical tax deductions, as they are paid in cash. If they happen to pay taxes, it is because of the use of fake Social Security numbers and identification. Also, their small incomes cannot cover their cost to society. In 2004, Californians paid $10 billion to educate, immunize, and jail illegal aliens. In New York in 2006, the cost was $5.2 billion. Texas taxpayers paid over $4.7 billion in 2005 to those who do not belong. American taxpayer’s cost for educating illegal children? An astonishing $30 billion.
Crime among illegals is rampant. 30% of those in jail are in America illegally, they have committed heinous crimes, and some are repeat offenders. In August of 2007, Jose Carranza, an illegal alien from Peru, was charged with the execution-style murders of three New Jersey children. He was previously arrested for sexual assault charges, but was never deported back to Peru. In April of ‘07, a Mexican illegal driving drunk killed the director of the movie “Christmas Story,” Bob Clark, and his teenage son. In Houston, September 21, 2006, HPD officer Rodney Johnson was shot and killed by Juan Qunitero, a Mexican fugitive. He was deported in 1999, but returned to America anyway. No doubt, to kill police officers “no American would kill.”
By not enforcing our American law, we open a Pandora’s Box full of uncertainty. The legal Ellis Island immigrants – who yearned to get a small piece of the pie that was America – of yesteryear are not equal to the illegal immigrants that sneak in today. Illegals commit crimes and take jobs in numbers never thought possible 25 years ago. Our problem? Ultratolerance. Americans today are so afraid of being called a xenophobe or a racist for wanting to protect our sacred borders, language, and culture. Politicans turn a blind eye towards the invasion, so as to prevent being labeled as a bigot by La Raza. Citizen patriots need to slap down those who encourage illegal immigration before it is too late.